Mary O Photography

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Friday Phone Dump

“How beautifully you are learning to dance within the shadows amidst all that is unknown”

// Morgan Harper Nichols

1-2) Really sweet neighbor messages on the sidewalk :)

3) Porch hangs with tea and books

4-10) Quarantimes featuring more flowers (forever and ever), finishing up my Monet puzzle, and Bozeman naps

11-16) Quarantimes continued feat. transitioning from Spring flowers to Summer flowers

17) Waiting in the line that wrapped around the building to get into the grocery store - just documenting the times :)

18) Bozeman is always reluctant to go for walks once the weather warms up, this was him when we left for one last week haha

19-28) Quarantimes continued feat. plenty more flowers, more Bozeman snuggles, mask sewing equipment, and the first jasmine blooms.

29) A mask selfie from a low day. Again, I’m trying to do better about documenting these weird weird times.

30) A self-love vibe haha

31-32) Let’s end with flowers, shall we?

Wow, I really hope that you and yours are safe and well. We’ve been up and down around here, but we’re doing ok overall. This weekend we’ll be watching lots of Star Wars movies (we already made it through all the Marvel movies) and taking long walks for our mental and physical health. I hope your weekend is restful and lovely.



ps- If you’ve reached out to me in some way and not heard back from me, I’m so so sorry, and it’s definitely not personal! I’ve struggled to have the mental/emotional capacity to respond to people recently. I love you though <3