
Friday Phone Dump

“If my current ways can no longer carry me, I don’t want to row in that boat any longer. I stand face-to-face with dark yet kind-gestured storm clouds that smile at me with secrets of splendour; and just like a song, I sing right back at them with fierce ocean eyes asking them to ‘sway towards me’ — I want the change, & the thirst, & the mess, & the surge, & the growth, & the freedom, & the creativity — I want the alchemy of it all to charge at me like a dance with no shoes.

We were never created for comfy.”

// Tess Guinery - The Apricot Memoirs

1) The jacaranda trees are blooming with their usual purple, sticky blossoms and it’s enchanting as always.

2-5) We went to the Rose Garden a couple weeks ago for the first time since quarantine, and it was amazing. We loved it so much that we ended up having a socially distant picnic there with friends last week…but we didn’t take any photos then haha. Also, we’re reading “Little Fires Everywhere” for our book club this month, and it is SO GOOD. I can’t wait to watch the show now.

6) A family selfie with Bozeman - we are so classy and cool :)

7-8) Well, I dyed my hair pink! I have a few friends who used Arctic Fox Hair Dye to go blue and green, so I decided to give it a shot. I was a little nervous when I saw how hot pink the color was when I mixed it, but I’m very happy with the results :) I’ll definitely be trying this again sometime…I might even try lavender eventually. I know, look at me go, right?

9-12) Quarantimes feat. a scared pups, more jacaranda blooms, and lots more flowers

13-14) Documenting the times, these were taken within a couple blocks of our apartment. While we haven’t been able to get out and join the protesters, we’ve been heartbroken alongside everyone else, and we’re doing everything we can to grow in our understanding of what real white ally-ship can and should look like. Even though we’ve been doing our best to un-learn and relearn about the racial injustice in the system we’re a part of for the past 4-5 years now, we’re so so so so so incredibly late to this fight. We’ve donated and researched and talked with friends and examined ourselves and we will keep doing this over and over and over until things are different.

To everyone protesting - I’m with you. I’m with you. I’m with you. Black lives matter.


15) I’ve had this poem on the wall by my desk for over a year now, but yesterday when I read it for the first time in awhile, it brought me to tears. It echos my heart towards the current racial tension and all the undoing I need and want to do. We were never created for comfy.


16) Classic view from our roof that will just never ever get old


17) I don’t know, this is just a screenshot from the NYT morning briefing email explaining how to hug if you need to. I miss hugs, and I loved this illustration and clarification that hugs should spark joy. Weird, weird times, y’all.

Wherever you are, I hope you’re doing ok. These are heavy times for all of us, so be sure to take care of yourself as best you can.
