
Friday Phone Dump

“And here’s the truth about grace: it probably won’t look like you expect it to. It probably won’t even really make sense to you, because it’s glorious unmerited favor, and nothing else really works that way. There are so many things in life that say to you : “you are not worth and you will never be worthy unless you can prove it to me.” But grace says something else. Grace says: “ I see where you are and I love you anyway. I know that you have been lost out here, but there is still a home for you. And you are free to carry on on that journey- even before it makes sense to you.”

// Morgan Harper Nichols

Well, friends, it’s been a little over a month and somehowI haven’t posted at all! I wish I could tell you I was on a full technology detox or something, but I wasn’t. I just didn’t make the time, so here I am bringing you a beast of a Friday Phone Dump for the entire month of May. It’s been mostly flowers, Bozeman, bikes, and weddings. Thanks for joining me :)


1-18) We’ve been here for almost 2 years now, and while the Rose Garden is worth visiting year round (even when there aren’t blooms) I’m now convinced that the first week of May is the most lovely time to go. We went there for an afternoon fully planning to bring my DSLR to capture the color again, only to forget it at home :) So here are my phone snaps! Please note the little buzzing bee in the first photo of the white roses and the sweet man who was painting en plein air.

19) Star jasmine is back and blooming and smelling like magical cotton candy, and we are soaking it up. We actually bought a large bush of it to keep on our porch that I don’t have a photo of, but it makes me happy every time I go get my bike or water the plants. It’s the best.

20) We did our first escape room! We didn’t make it out (by a lot…), but it was so much fun I can’t wait to do another one. Thanks to Sophia, Kenny, Noëmi, and James for coordinating the outing and for being great partners in crime. Also, thanks to Sophia and Kenny for introducing me to Pho for the first time this same night that I don’t have a photo of. I do have the happy memory of the food though, and that’s quite enough [insert drooling face here].

21) Everything is bloomiiiiiiiiiing

22) My kind friend, Liza, treated me to breakfast earlier this month (thanks, Liza!), and I snapped this pic of the pretty light coming through the window. Love.


23-34) I got to help my friend, Bree, with a wedding at the BEAUTIFUL Carmel Valley Ranch later that same day. It was dreamy. Also, how cute are Bozeman and Colin?

Here are the vendors and their IG handles (thanks to Bree for posting this) in case you’re interested :)

Venue - @carmelvranch 
Coordinator – Amanda Hansen w/ @carmelvranch
Photographer - @katherinebreewalkerphotography
Florist - @_willowandplum
Hair and Makeup – Maya w/ @dreamcatcherartistry
DJ - @dnaentertainment
Bride’s Dress - @sarahseven
Bride’s Shoes - @sam_edelman
Groom’s Suit - @indochino

35-36) As I mentioned above, we went plant shopping on Mother’s Day to get some new beauties for our porch including some star jasmine and this bougainvillea. We also used the opportunity to clean up our porch in general. Here’s a little before and after for ya :)


37-49) We’ve had a surprisingly rainy May given that it usually doesn’t rain at all between April and Septmber-ish here. This particular weekend we got our wedding album in the mail (I finally buckled down and made it after 6.5 years), spent some quiet time at home, and went to see the Monet exhibit at The de Young Museum in SF. Truly, I fall more in love with San Francisco every single time I’m there.

Oh! We also went to Viva CalleSJ on one of the rainiest days of the month- it was actually, legitimately, thunder storming that day. But we went out one our bikes along with several others from around the city during a break of the thunder and lightening to ride 12 miles on empty city streets. It was awesome :)

Photo on 5-23-19 at 9.00 AM.jpg

50-56) The sun mostly came back, but we still had unnaturally chilly weather (which I will never ever complain about because I love it so so much). I went up to SF another time to work with my sweet friend, Lauren from Everlane (where we took that v grainy photo using photo booth on my laptop. did anyone else used to take tons of photo booth photos back in the day but you never do now?! yeah, me too), hung out with Bozeman, and I started reading this beautiful book The Book of Hygge. My best, Chelsea, sent it to me for my birthday back in April and my other best, Brian, texted me about saying I had to pick it up right then because it was so perfect. I’m loving every minute of it- would highly recommend!

57-62) Haha, we played Settlers of Catan on Memorial Day weekend with our friend, Tony, and when I told he and Colin to get in the photo, they purposefully leaned out of it *rolls eyes *. It was fun to play though! I also went to a makeup event thrown by my friend, Pauline, at the Makeup For Ever store here. She taught Marissa, Noëmi, and me about the colors that are most flattering for our skin tones and more. It was really fun, and afterwards we got brunch and went shopping like a bunches of basics. :)

Also more moments of Bozeman “helping” me with work and some pretty pieces of sunshine.


63-73) This past weekend I got to fly to San Diego to second shoot a wedding with my friend, Paulina, of And Forever More! It was super fun, and the venue, Rancho Bernardo Inn, was stunning. I’m sure I’ll share some of the shots I got here eventually :)

74-79) Since I got back, we’ve officially been in Summer mode in terms of weather around here! I feel like every moment we’ve spent in California has flown by, so Summer barely even feels like a thing. But I’m going to do my best to soak it up as best I can.

This weekend, our lovely friend, Chuck, is coming to visit us and we’ll otherwise be trying to fit in plenty of down time. I hope your weekend is gorgeous!
