
Friday Phone Dump

5 Things We Never Say To People We Love But We Should:

1) it is an honor that we exist in the same space and time didn’t choose to separate us by eons

2) the world is a better place with your soul in it

3) laughing with you plucks anxiety out of my heart, you are a gift to my lungs

4) your past is not a threat, it’s what brought you to me

5) i pray about you, still”

// Malanda Jean Claude

1) I started taking a watercolor class with my friend, Kate, and it’s been so fun to just have a space to make things and learn a bit about imperfection, managing expectations, and trusting the process :)

2-3) We rented a car 2 weekends ago, so of course we took a few hours to take a little hike around the Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve. It was windy and chilly and lovely.

4) My friend, Jeff, and I are working on a pretty big project (more on that eventually) which means we meet up at least once a week to plan and work. Bozeman loves having a friend around to snuggle with lol


6) Bozeman expecting full belly rubs from Colin when he gets home from work

7-8) I felt pretty guilty accepting this plastic straw for my iced herbal tea, but I took these photos because the light was just so rosy and pretty on my walk home ♥️

9-13) Spring has really started around here - the blossoms are everywhere and I’m not mad about it.

14) Just some pretty lanterns in Japantown. We walked all around while waiting for a table to open up at our favorite Korean place.


15-16) Rainy walks home from the grocery store

17) Our sweet friend, Marissa, came over to hang out with us and Bozeman was so happy :) Marissa has worked hard for years to get Bozeman to trust her, so she was pretty excited about his cuddles haha

18-19) We spent a Sunday afternoon at a tiny winery having a picnic with dear friends - it was truly perfect. Also, how adorable is Sam (the baby in the blue jumpsuit)?! PS - thanks to Kari for these pics!

20-27) The last real social gathering/public transit trip I took was when I went to visit the Everlane office with my friend, Sabrina, last week <3 It was a sweet time with really cool people, and it’s made even sweeter by realizing it was my last hangout for awhile. Featuring the obligatory bathroom selfie (please note Sabrina’s class and grace next to my goof), kombucha that looks like beer, accidental twinning with Mallory, and Stonemill matcha w/ friends.

28) Don’t worry, we didn’t hoard masks - we’ve had these for a few years, but we donned them most recently on our last trip to the grocery store (we’ll have to go again sometime soonish though) for a bit.

29) I once got the most delicious thai chicken noodle soup at a yummy spot in San Francisco that I haven’t stopped thinking about since. I decided to try and recreate it with the groceries we could find after everyone else had their pick…it was soooooo delicious if I do say so myself.


30) The Bay Area got put on “Shelter in Place” order on Monday night, and these dark clouds settled in around the same time. They’ve felt both appropriate and healing to me when everything feels a bit scary and up-in-the-air.

31) Spring is overwhelmingly beautiful here with or without the sun - the colors are so encouraging and bright.

32) I’ve been so moved by the many ways we have already found to connect with each other even as we all feel (and are physically) separated. I’ve felt such a need for support from the people in my life, and I’ve consistently been overwhelmed already by the outpouring of texts, calls, and video connections going around.

Friends sending photos, videos, playlists, “how are you doing?” texts, and poetry mean more to me than I could ever try to express. This lovely poem was sent on Tuesday morning (the first real morning of the shelter-in-place command) by a lovely friend, and it was just exactly what I needed to read. It’s made me cry every time I’ve read it since.


33-39) Little moments of the work-from-home situation we’re so lucky to be in, and the Springtime walks we’re so lucky to be able to take.

I’ve found so much gratitude in the midst of anxiety and overwhelm, it reminds me of 2 (kind of cheesy, but roll with me here) quotes from Star Wars (lollllll):

“Darkness rises, and light to meet it”

“Close your eyes…feel it….the light…it’s always been there…it will guide you”

There is so much light. Be well, friends.
