Mary O Photography

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Friday Phone Dump

“‘I wish it need not happen in my time,’ said Frodo.

‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’”

// J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

1-5) Quarantimes feat. unexpectedly cloudy skies and radically blooming flowers.

6) Some sweet friends mailed us this cocktail book full of recipes for cocktails inspired by Harry Potter characters - of course we started with Dumbledore’s Old Fashioned haha. Thanks, Jeff and Kim!

7-8) Quarantimes feat. mask selfies with Bozeman and more flowers, of course

9) I recently bought myself some D&D handbooks (or textbooks, as I refer to them) since I’m now playing one campaign and leading another. I’m waiting for my nerd award to be delivered as well lol

10-11) AHHHH! My best friend, Bethany, had her sweet son last week and I’m so obsessed with him. When we were in Oklahoma back in September, Beth told us she was pregnant, and we took the picture on the left. Chelsea and I happened to be wearing t-shirts that felt appropriate (mine says “babes support babes,” and Chelsea’s says “100% Human”), and we have been so excited to meet baby Fisher ever since.

We were supposed to be in Oklahoma (and Chicago, and Madison, and Springfield, MO) around this time, so it’s extra sad to not be around and able to snuggle him, but I’m looking forward to seeing him someday soon. Love you, Beth - so, so proud of you <3

12-17) Quarantimes feat. stacking my dice while playing D&D, snuggling with Bozeman, taking photos on walks, and all. the. flowers.

18) The hills have turned back from green to tan, but they’re still so freakin beautiful - especially in cloudy, golden hour light :)

18-24) Quarantimes feat. a new sign on a local convenience store, and our neighbor’s bougainvillea I’ve photographed a million times and will continue to photograph, and another mask selfie because…why not?

25) A lovely care package from my best, Chelsea, that completely made my week. Thanks again, Chels, love you <3

This weekend, we’ll be doing the same things we’ve been doing this whole time: cleaning, enjoying the sunshine on long walks, and watching movies. I hope your weekend is lovely!



ps- My grandpa passed away last week, which is why Chelsea sent me that care package. I wanted to post these photos from our wedding because they make me smile. Love you, grandpa, rest in peace.